If you would like to find out more about “Poetry Off the Page”, please subscribe to our mailing list. You will receive a quarterly newsletter with information about upcoming publications, talks, conferences and more:
Artist Talk with Malaika Kegode (22 Jan 2025, Univ. of Vienna)
We’re excited to announce that on 22 January 2025, at 18:15, we will be joined at the University of Vienna (Helene Richter-Saal at the Department of English and American Studies) by none other than poet, performer, creative producer and theatre-maker Malaika Kegode. She will give an artist talk which will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by our PhD researcher Shefali Banerji. You can register by sending a short message to shefali.banerji@univie.ac.at!
For more information, have a look at the event poster here.
Podcast Episode 3
Our third podcast episode is finally out! In this one, senior researcher Helen Thomas explores the role of MCs (masters of ceremonies) at a selection of poetry performance events in the UK from the 1980s to the present day. Listen now on our website or on Spotify!
Poetry Off the Page, Around the Globe: Call for Papers
The Call for Papers for our third and final project conference “Poetry Off the Page, Around the Globe: Advances in Poetry Performance Research” has been published. This will be a two-day conference organised in cooperation with University of Vienna and Literaturhaus Wien.
You can find the CfP on our conference website. We are excited for all abstract submissions and looking forward to two days of discussing poetry performances in Vienna in June 2025!
Deadline for abstracts: 20 December 2024
Podcast Episode 2
In the second episode, PhD researcher Claire Palzer explores poetry performances at contemporary festivals, focusing on Lingo, Ireland’s spoken word festival (2014-2016). Claire talks about Lingo’s lasting impact and how the festival shaped the poetry that was performed there. The episode incorporates extracts from the poets/performers Kalle Ryan, Felicia Olusanya (aka Felispeaks), Aindrais de Staic, Karl Parkinson and Colin Hassard, as well as excerpts from interviews with Kalle Ryan, Mel Bradley, Abby Oliveira, and Phil Lynch, conducted by the host. Listen now on Spotify!
Podcast Episode 1
In the first PoP podcast episode, PhD researcher Shefali Banerji explores the various artforms that poets incorporate in their long form spoken word shows. Shefali particularly focuses on the oral and aural artistic innovations that feature in these shows, which are also called spoken word plays. The episode incorporates poem extracts from Jasmine Gardosi, Malaika Kegode, Hannah Silva and Roger Robinson, as well as excerpts from interviews with Jasmine Gardosi and Roger Robinson conducted by the host. Listen now on Spotify!
Call for Contributions
Following the two-day academic conference, ‘All Borders Blur: Mapping Intersections and Genre-Crossings in UK Spoken-Word Poetries since 1965’ at Queen Mary University of London in partnership with the University of Vienna (11-12 November 2023), Poetry Off the Page is pleased to announce the launch of a ‘Call for Submissions’ for a special collection of articles on ‘Poetry off the Page: Intersecting Practices and Traditions in British Poetry Performance“. The collection will be published by the open access, peer-reviewed, Open Library of the Humanities Journal. Under the editorship of Prof. Andrea Brady (Queen Mary London), Prof. Peter Howarth (Queen Mary London) and Dr. Helen Thomas (University of Vienna), this special collection focuses upon the ways in which spoken word practices have intersected with, crossed genres and transformed established forms of British performance practice and traditions. Here you can find the Call for Submissions.
Call for Contributions
Great news! Our Poetry Off the Page Blog, which focuses on theory and methodology, has just gone live with a post written by Claire Palzer on the role of interviewing in poetry performance research! Guest contributions cordially invited.
First Blog Post
The first post on the Poetry Off the Page blog is out now! It was written by our PhD researcher Claire Palzer and is concerned with the vital role of interviews in poetry performance research. Access it here!